Sunday, November 8, 2015

Merry Christmas - Growing in Christ

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19,20

It was Saturday and as usual my granddaughter came to stay a few hours while mom worked at the bank and dad at the hospital.I waited until she got there to make breakfast so she could help. Blueberry muffins were her choice this morning, so after we mixed and popped them in the oven, we considered what to do on another rainy morning. Naturally, I already had an idea.

It has been on my heart that I see so many people saved, but there is very little follow up teaching them to observe all things. They become worldly Christians, probably through no fault of their own. I'd been talking to my Sunday School class and praying about where do we begin and how? I'd done a personal in depth study of I Corinthians 13. I had heard a preacher say "charity" is "love in action". What actions was I displaying as a Christian? How would I go about practicing "love in action" and teaching new Christians how to grow in the Lord - teaching them to observe all things. This time of year brings an overwhelming amount of requests for donations of all kinds. It's so overwhelming, it sometimes puts me in a Scrooge mood; enough already! But I know of one charity that practices that love in action, one that I do feel comfortable working with.  I thought, this is my opportunity to help my granddaughter know how to grow in the Lord.

While the muffins baked, I let Kady do her favorite thing, play on the computer. Her job was to research Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child. She needed to find out about shoe boxes. Here's the site.
She chose the age and sex of a child. We went over the things that we could purchase and the things we would need to omit from the box. Naturally, I had a shoe box in the closet.  Another thing the site requests is to pack the box with prayers for the child. When I asked Kady who would ask the blessing for breakfast, she asked me to do it. I prayed for the breakfast and for us to know what to buy for the child that would receive the box. I pray today, Kady remembers to keep praying for the child.

So after a couple of hot muffins, we took the shoe box to a nearby dollar store and asked permission to take it  into the store and fill it before bringing it to the check out. When we finally filled the box, she said, "it seems like we've been here a long time." We had probably spent between 30 minutes and to an hour choosing items and changing our mind, choosing more, and trying to squeeze in as much as we could. It may have been a long time, but a fun time.

Back home she wrote a Christmas card. We took a picture of her and printed it to include. She packed the box several times to make sure all the pieces were tight and secure. Then for the nice big rubber band! No wrapping. Samaritan's Purse will need to check all the items to make sure they will pass customs and standards.

We had no idea the church would be participating in Operation Christmas Child this year. We have never done that before. When the pastor announced the church would pack boxes, Kady turned around and sent me a knowing grin. Another scripture came to mind that is important to helping young Christians grow in the Lord. My paraphrase; talk about the things of God when you get up, when you lie down, when you sit at the table, when you walk in the way. Don't forget about Him when life is easy.  Deuteronomy 6: 5-12.

My prayer is this will be imprinted on Kady's heart as well as the child who will receive a Christmas Shoe Box.

Hey Kids!
Need I say more? Are you digging in that closet for a box and shaking out the quarters from the piggy bank? Check the site to know exactly what to send to make another kid's Christmas special this year.

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