Sunday, November 9, 2014


Monday Reading
      Exodus 31:2; Matthew 25:14-30 God called Bezaleel by name. He knew him and paired him with others to do a special work, craftsmanship. He wasn't a priest, a pastor, a Sunday School teacher. Bezaleel was a man who worked with his hands. A man to whom God had given talents and Bezaleel used them and honed them to do the best work he could.

God knows us and calls us and gives us special talents. He pairs us with others for help and encouragement. Our job is to practice those talents and sharpen them so we can be used by God for the furtherance of His kingdom. There is no talent too small or too insignificant that God can't use it because. . . He gave the talent.

Father, help me use the talents You have given to glorify Your name. In Jesus name. Amen.

Tuesday Readings
      Exodus 32:31,32; Deuteronomy 6:3-15 Moses was gone up on the mountains a long time and the people thought he wouldn't return. They were returning to the ways of Egypt. They gave Aaron their gold to make a molten calf. How could they? Moses had to pray for God's forgiveness. Moses was willing to give up his place in God's book if God would not forgive.

Before we judge the Israelites, let us examine our own selves. Have we worshipped the "gold" - materialism and sacrificed the families God has given us saying it is so our children have more? What do they need more of? Is it not parents who are commanded to train up their children and teach them?

Father, forgive us. Help us, Your people, to repent and return and bring up our sons and our daughters in our homes, telling them when we walk and when we sit, that we might ever keep You and Your word before their innocent eyes. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Wednesday Readings
      Exodus 33:17 Moses asked God's favor to go with them and care for them. God's response was that He would go with them and give rest. He declares that He knows Moses by name.

Does God know you by name? Only those who have repented of their sins and asked God's forgiveness and salvation are known in the same intimate way that is referred to in this passage. Yes God knows everyone but not everyone has a relationship that God wants. Every saved person who is attempting to live for God is known and cared for. God's presence is with them.

Thank you Lord, for going with me, for hearing me, for giving me rest in a world of strife. Thank you that I am known of You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday Readings
      Exodus 34:6,7 God is merciful and gracious. His desire is to forgive and save, but those who are not willing to turn from sin not only harm themselves but also their own children to the third and fourth generation.

How often have we heard statistics of alcoholics and abusers whose own parents acted in the same way? How many times have we witnessed to those in false religions to see them turn back to the lies of Satan and continue on their path to destruction?

Father, We are a rebellious and stiff-necked people. Thank You for your mercy and grace. Forgive us and save our children we pray. In Jesus name. Amen.

Friday Readings
      Exodus 35:29-31 We've come full circle from rebellion to forgiveness to willingness to give for the building of the tabernacle. Every man and woman had something invested in the work.

When we invest time and "money" into something we have a vested interest in the work. We are more concerned to see it prosper than if we simply stood by and watched. Let us be participants in God's work!!

Lord Jesus, help me always invest myself and my goods in Your work that the talents You have given are not wasted and that I might have concern to see Your work prosper. In Your name I pray. Amen.

As an encouragement, won't you share how God is using the talents He has given you to invest in His work?


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