Sunday, July 30, 2023

Be the Light


Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, NC photo by pixabay

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
~Mark 16:15 KJV

Before we take our vacations I always do a little research on the area we want to visit. Here are a few things I found out about the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. It is probably the most famous of the lighthouses along the Outer Banks of NC. 

The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has been built in a variety of ways. First, it was short and made of sandstone. It wasn't very visible to mariners. Later in the 1800's it was built on a floating foundation, built much taller, equipped with a Fresnel lens, and painted a distinguishable color. I'd like to examine some of these important features. 

Sandstone - As we mentioned, the sandstone lighthouse was too short and too hard for mariners to see. It couldn't do the job. 
  • When God commanded that sacrifices be made, they were only to be representations of the true sacrifice. They were simple altars made of stones. Even the sacrifices made on the brass altar of the Tabernacle were still symbols. All the animal sacrifices could never pay the price for our sins. They were only symbols of the true sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. 

Floating Foundation - When the foundation for the new construction of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was made in the 1800s the water table was only four feet down. Construction workers had to make a floating foundation by laying wood crossways below the water table. Then they placed granite on top of the wood to build the new lighthouse. 

  • Jesus, the Rock of our salvation was placed upon a wooden cross. 

Color and Light - The Lighthouse Board regulated the color and light patterns of each lighthouse so mariners could distinguish by day and by night where they were located. The area off the coast of North Carolina is known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic. The lighthouse needed to be tall enough to see and the pattern of the light flashes at night needed to reach out far into the ocean so mariners knew how close they were to the rocky coast. The intersection of the ocean currents caused many ships to go down, casting the ships against the coast. Having the lighthouse to guide the way saved many ships and lives. 

  • The Israelites were guided in the wilderness with a cloud by day and a fire by night. It guided them through a wilderness they had not traveled before. 

Fresnel Lens - A Fresnel Lens is made up of triangular prisms of glass. This helps the light to go farther. Lighthouse lights are white lights because they go farther than colored lights. There were 1000 triangles in the Lens made for the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. 

  • Jesus is the Rock of our foundation. He is the Light of the world.  He is also our Savior on which the church is built. But, the members of the church are the ones commanded to take the gospel to the world. We are to reflect the Light in all we do. There is a world full of shipwrecked people out there who need the light of Jesus to safely guide them to salvation. 
Be the Light. 

Heavenly Father, help us be aware of how we reflect your Light to others. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Hey Kids:

Are you going somewhere for a vacation? 
Have you researched the area and the possibilities?
How will your travels help you reflect the light of Jesus to others? 

Staying home this summer? 
There is always an adventure in our backyards. 
Kids' magazines are always looking for drawings and writings by kids! 
What will you discover this summer that you can share with other kids? 
How will you reflect the light of Jesus? 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Imprint Parenting

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: ~Matthew 28:19

Whooping Cranes, magnificent birds standing five feet tall, but unfortunately on the endangered list, so what were conservationists to do?

There were less than 200 whooping cranes left. They nested in Wisconsin, where a scientist decided to collect some eggs to hatch, hoping to increase their numbers. Other species of birds are hatched in captivity, then released as mature birds into the wild. Seemed like a great idea until it wasn't. Whooping cranes imprint on the first thing they come in contact with when they hatch. They depend on that thing, animal, person, whatever it is to teach them everything a whooping crane needs to know. In other words, they need parents to teach them to be cranes. The whooping crane chicks followed the scientist around everywhere. The more mature they became, the more they interacted with the scientists as whooping cranes. Not a good match when a person is attacked by a five-foot-tall bird. The birds would not naturally integrate themselves into the flock as the scientists intended. 

The next idea - dress like a whooping crane so the next hatchlings would imprint with supposed cranes. Worked like a charm until it didn't. The captive whooping cranes didn't know how to migrate. They didn't know how to follow the crane flock. If the cranes didn't migrate to their natural winter home in Florida, they would likely die in the cold Wisconsin winter. The scientist couldn't fly. 

The scientist heard of a man who flew hang gliders. Geese would follow his glider. Light bulbs began to go off scientists' heads. Dress the hang glider pilot to look like a crane just as the scientist had dressed like a crane to imprint the hatchlings. Sure enough, when the glider crane took off, the whooping cranes took to the air, following the glider all the way to Florida. Now they knew the way. After wintering in Florida, they returned to Wisconsin to raise a new brood of cranes. The whooping crane population began to increase. 

Did you feel like baby whooping cranes were a lot like human children? Don't our children need to be taught what to eat, how to walk, how to speak, how to read, how to function in the world? Most importantly, don't our children need examples of how to love the Lord? 

Our children need to see parents who put God first. They need to have the word of God imprinted on their hearts, not just at church but in their homes. When our children and others make their decision to follow Christ, they need to be discipled; trained to be witnesses. It's not enough to say okay, now you're saved and you will go to heaven. Don't we need to help them understand God has a plan for their lives? Don't we need to show them how to find that plan, how to create stable Christian homes, and how to grow into mature Christians that will show the next generation that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven? 

Jesus gave us the Great Commission so we would be missionaries to all those with whom we come in contact. What was the order of imprinting? Teach and baptize. Make disciples. Babies can't be left on their own, and neither can young Christians. Like whooping cranes, we need mature birds to imprint our lives so we too can fly for Jesus. 

Heavenly Father, help us be mentors to those around us, our children, our family, and our friends that we are a thriving people, not a diminishing flock. In Jesus's name. Amen. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Faith, Family and Fun


and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. ~ I Timothy 3:15 NKJV

Do you remember gathering together with your parents and siblings for family devotions? I remember Mom and Dad setting aside a time each night to read the Bible and pray as a family before we went to bed. The TV was off, the radio was off and there were no electronics to interfere. My parents were purposeful in making sure faith and family were top priorities in our lives. As we went about our daily lives other things might prompt Mom or Dad to say something to remind us of the things in the Bible. Dad always loved to take us fishing and tell us stories or ask us questions that made us think. Maybe because he was thinking too. On one occasion I remember him pointing out how red the moon was that night. Then he told us the moon would turn to blood before the end of the world. (Acts 2:20) It was like telling ghost stories only it was truth from the Bible. Now sixty years later I still remember that fishing trip and that truth.

A friend of mine shared a new family devotions book with me. It's not scary. It's fun things to help children remember in a hands on way of the Truth found in scripture.  Perhaps it can help us all to begin to share our faith with our young children. Cathy D. Dudley's Faith Family & Fun family devotions book is a collection of twelve devotions that can be used as monthly lessons plus an extra for Easter and Christmas. Each lesson begins with a story a young child might identify with such as a lost dog suddenly returning home after week. Then there are four headings that connect each story with Biblical truth.

 The Bible Tells Me So 
    A scripture to connect the story to a Bible verse.

    A prayer to connect the family to the Lord.

    A hands-on activity to imprint the lesson in the child's daily life.

Everyday Living
    A way to live out the truths the child has learned. 

Then there's the coloring page. Each devotion offers a coloring page for the child to recall the story again, reinforcing the lesson taught. 

Though there is only one for each month, parents can use that lesson in a variety of ways throughout the month so the story, the lesson, is not just a one-and-done devotion. 

Heavenly Father, help us tell our children, show our children, and reinforce to our children, Your love for each of us through stories, daily life, and fun because You are the One who brings us joy. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Sunday, July 9, 2023



For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14

Our children are in a crisis. It's not a virus, it's not a lack of education, it's not a lack of food. It's danger. Danger from sexual predators, sex traffickers, and exploitation.

But what are we supposed to do? How do we as Christians confront this evil? 
God knew you before you were born. He had a plan for you then and He has one for you now. You were born for such a time as this. 

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do," we say.
"I'm afraid I may be making the wrong judgment," we say.
"If I say something I may be risking my life," we say
Esther had the same reaction when Mordecai asked her to plead for her people before King Ahasuerus. She was so much safer in the palace, staying quiet, hiding her identity. Besides, if she went before the king she could be killed! Would we have felt differently?

Mordecai's answer to Esther was that God would deliver His people with or without her help but if she refused she and her father's house would be destroyed. He reminded her that she was in her position for such a time as this. So here you are, born within the last 100 years. Why? What's God's purpose for you since you are right here, right now?

Esther sent word back to Mordecai. She told him to gather everyone in Shushan. Then fast and pray for her for three days. She and her maidens would do the same. Then she would go before the king saying, "If I perish, I perish." 

There are ways to help. Operation Underground Railroad has some ways to protect our personal children and recognize others in need of help.

  1. We need to accept the reality that it isn't a matter of if a predator will reach out to my child, but when. 
  2. Recognize my role as a parent in protecting my children 
  3. Understand the tactics predators use. 
We may not recognize the signs that are right before our eyes of others in need of help.
  1. Does the person seem disconnected from family, friends, and community?
  2. Is their school attendance erratic?
  3. Does the person seem timid or fearful or hiding in full view?
  4. Does the person show signs of deprivation of sleep, food, or medical attention? 
These are just a few of the signs to be aware of. 

These are things school counselors and law enforcement should be made aware of. 

So what can I do personally? 

  1. There is power in the name of Jesus. Pray for the children
  2. Report what you see.
  3. Be wary of play dates and sleepovers, even for the youngest children. 
  4. Be involved in your church, school, community, and support of local law enforcement. 

We are here for such a time as this. How will we answer? 
Our children are born with so much of what they will need throughout their lives but the one thing they all need is protection. 

Heavenly Father, help us to pray, be watchful and speak up for the defense of our children. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Prayer for Our Country


 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 
~ Timothy 2:1-4 NIV

I'm tired. I'm weary of all the anger and arguments about everything. Everyone is offended. Everyone is angry yet no one seems to know the answer. We don't have answers but I know the One who does. Shouldn't we be asking Him and seeking His answers?

My friend recently introduced me to the picture book A Prayer for Our Country written by our senate Chaplin Rear Admiral Barry Black (Ret.) I immediately fell in love. I kept thinking this is exactly how we need to teach our children to not only love our country but to pray for our country. It’s also a good model for us as adults.

Chaplin Black helps children see how to put feet to their prayers by:

  • ·         showing love to others around us.
  • ·         giving praise and thanks to the Lord for the day.
  • ·         Giving thanks for the strength within us, our family, and our friends.

The prayer acknowledges God as our Creator and encourages us to be thankful for His creation which shows us evidence of God’s love. The prayer also acknowledges our blessings of food, clothes, and shelter. The illustrations show children how to share those blessings with those less fortunate.

The prayer asks that the Lord show us how to use every part of us to bring joy to others.

  • ·         We recognize God as the Good Shepherd.
  • ·         We ask to be taught to use words wisely, words that heal, not hurt.
  • ·         We ask to recognize that every person is made in the image of God.
  • ·         We are reminded that God is not a respecter of persons which helps us understand the need for unity.
  • ·         We recognize we have problems that sometimes cause us to feel lost and overwhelmed.

The illustrations challenge children to care for each other, and to show love and respect because of the word of God.

We know God is in control. He chose us. With God’s help, we do our best even when no one else is looking.

Chaplin Black ends the prayer by letting children know God is close and chases away the darkness. He ends the prayer by saying, “in Your loving name.” There is no mention of Jesus but here’s one of the many opportunities we as parents have to teach our children about God’s love.

  • ·         What is the loving name of God?
  • ·         What verses could be used with this book to encourage children to memorize scripture?
  • ·         What talents do our children have to share?
  • ·         How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities?

Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address

Chaplin Black and his illustrator Kim Holt give us the perfect example of what we can do for our country. May we enter into the celebration of our country’s birthday this Fourth of July with prayers and supplications.

Hey Kids:

I always looked forward to the Fourth of July. Dad would grill hamburgers for us. We had fresh tomatoes from the garden and watermelon from a nearby stand. We would turn on the sprinkler and spend the afternoon dripping with water and juice. We often ended the day with a churn of peach ice cream. Have you ever sat on a churn of ice cream while someone turned the handle until wouldn't turn any more? Then the sparklers and firecrackers came out after dark. 

Do you know why we celebrate with fireworks? Do you know the words to The Star Spangled Banner? 

Have you learned about the struggles of men like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison as they and others came together to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights? 

Prayer was always a part of their time together as they planned for our new nation. May we also make prayer for our nation a part of our daily lives.