Sunday, January 22, 2017

Prayer Needed

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. I Timothy 2:1,2 KJV
This passage is the beginning of the verses read by Franklin Graham at President Trump's inauguration on Friday. It explains our obligations as Christian citizens. In our country, we have many rights and opportunities, but prayer is the most important right, opportunity and obligation we have to help our nation heal. 
God spoke to Solomon in a dream after he completed the temple. 
In II Chronicles 7:14, He told Solomon how to pray for the nation of Israel. It is also an example for our nation. 
  • We need to humble ourselves
  • pray, seeking God's face
  • demonstrate our willingness to turn from our wicked ways
Then God promises to hear our prayers and forgive us and heal our land. 
As Franklin Graham traveled to each capitol city in all fifty states this past year, I believe he was attempting to call us to pray, not just that day, but every day for ourselves and our leaders. 
We have many outlets to express ourselves. Social media, blogging, marches, even the bumper stickers on our cars let others know how we feel, but have we told God? 
The most powerful way to affect our nation, our communities, and our families is on our knees. 
 Hey Kids:
Do you know our leaders? Who is a leader?
Leaders can be parents, teachers, pastors, police, firefighters, mayors, governors, state and federal representatives, judges and of course the president.
Who is God prompting you to pray for? 
Write their names in your prayer journal with specifics you will ask for those leaders. 
Don't forget to record how you see God answering as you pray daily.
P.S. Let me know how I can pray for you, because YOU are our future leaders. 

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