Sunday, June 30, 2013

Look! A Rainbow!

Fear. Worry. Doubt. That’s what happened to me just before we went on vacation. I just felt like something bad was going to happen. I couldn’t disappoint everyone and say, “We’re not going,” just because I had a feeling. Soooooo, I prayed. Every time that little cloud of worry or fear or doubt came passing into my thoughts, I prayed. No one knew but me and God, of course.

We got lost going up the road. It rumbled and thundered as we put up the camper. The rain poured and the wind blew while we took a trip to town for supplies.  It rained during the night.
We went to the amusement park the next day. The train engineer warned of cinders that might get in our eyes. Our grandson was scared of the chairlift until his papa said he’d take care of him. It wasn’t dawning on me that our Papa is taking care of us. After lunch there was lightning and thunder and rain. The rides shut down for a few minutes but not long enough to suit me. I was still worrying.
It rained most of the way home the next day. We put up the camper to dry out and the rains poured again. I did remember to thank God for protecting us and getting us safely back home. And then I saw it. A RAINBOW! peeking out from behind a cloud. It finally dawned on me that I had nothing to fear, or worry about, or doubt. God’s promises and His plans never fail. I thanked Him again for the rainbow as I called everyone to come see.
No, things don’t always turn out perfect but God has a plan and He promises to see you through it.

What fears or worries or doubts do you have? How has God shown you His love and care? Has he reminded you in a special way that He is still in charge?

You may want to try this easy craft to help remind you that God promises to take care of us, not matter what the situation.
Don’t forget to leave a comment and show us your rainbow.

Photo: Craft n devoted coming to the blogsite.

1 paper plate
Hole punch

Fold the paper plate in half. Cut along the fold. On the back write out a Bible verse that reminds you God is taking care of you. You may want to use Isaiah 41:10. On the front use the markers to make a rainbow. Did you know there is a special order of the colors? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, there is indigo that is very hard to see so I didn’t color it on my plate and, violet (purple).
Now cut 3 puffy clouds from the other half of the plate. Label them Fear, Doubt, and Worry. You may want to add verses to the back of each cloud as reminders that all through God’s word He promises he will take care of you. Some verses you may want to use are I Peter 5:7; Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 33:3; Jeremiah 29:11.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Psalms 127:1a

Summer – Sand and sandcastles – whether you’re at the beach or in your backyard sandbox, building with sand is the name of the game. We used to make “toadyfrog” houses by piling damp sand over our feet and trying to drag our foot out to leave a sand cave. Then we would get clover and twigs and stuff to decorate around the house to make it nice for the frogs and toads that might hop by. But… the next rain that came along washed our houses away. They were not made of anything substantial.

Our lives are like that. No matter how hard we try to make a house a home if it is not built on the things of God they will come crashing down. Jesus tells the story of a wise man who built his house upon a rock. The rains came and the water rose and the wind blew but the house of the rock stood firm. A foolish man built his house on the sand. The rains came and the water rose and the wind blew.  The house on the sand came crashing down. Jesus is the rock of our salvation. We may see wicked people who look successful but one day their world will come crashing down around them.  Whatever we do if it is not Jesus plan for us, the plan will fail.

Have your tried making sandcastles? Is Jesus making you aware of His plans in your life or family. We would love for you to share with us. Leave a comment, please.
Blessings, Gail

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Been Fishing?

Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. Luke 5:10b

Fishing - What better way to spend a hot summer afternoon than fishing. It’s exciting to suddenly feel the tug on your line and reel one in. No matter how small or how big catching a fish puts everyone into action –snatching the line, grabbing a net, laughter and shouts; “Don’t lose him!” Even the fish is wriggling and jiggling. But to fish all day or all night and catch nothing is boring and disheartening.

Peter, James and John fished all night and caught nothing – boring. Jesus asked to use Peter’s boat as a pulpit so the people could see and hear him better. After Jesus finished, he asked Peter to go out a little farther and let down his net. Peter told the Lord they fished all night and caught nothing, but because Jesus asked he would try again. This time the net was full and breaking. Peter needed help. He called his fishing buddies, James and John. Both boats were filled with fish. Peter was afraid because he knew he had to be in the presence of God. Only God could work such a miracle. Jesus said, Don’t be afraid. From now on you will catch men.

Peter, James and John became great preachers who saw many people come to Christ. How exciting to “catch” others for Jesus and see their lives change. Who would you like to catch?

Try this craft to help you remember you are fishing everyday for Jesus.
You will need:
1 paper plate or dessert plate
1 pair of scissors
Glue, tape or stapler
Crayons, markers, or paints
Some fishing line or string

Cut the center from the plate for the body of the fish.
Cut fins and a tail from the crinkly edged scraps.
Glue, tape or staple the fins and tail to the body.
Decorate the fish with crayons, markers or paint.
Use a marker to write the names of the people you would like to “catch” for Jesus.
Attach the fishing line at the mouth with tape.
Hang your fish where you will remember to read the names every day.

Begin fishing by praying for the names on your fish. You can also pray for yourself that your actions and words will show them Jesus. Go fishing and let Jesus give you a boat load!