Sunday, February 17, 2019

Playing by the Rules

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23 
Two of my little boys on their way to share time started a tussle on the carpet. Like a pile of puppies pretending to fight, one got a little too aggressive. I pulled him aside and we had a serious talk in English and his mother tongue. He hung his head and sat on his square. I heard him talking to himself. "I only sinned a little bit." He got up, walked over to his friend and hugged him, "I'm sorry." 
"It's okay," the other said. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet repentance of a four-year-old.BYou know, God doesn't speak to us in Hebrew. He intends for us to know He loves us and cares for us, but He sometimes has to have a serious talk in our mother tongue. He gave Moses the Ten Commandments so the people would know the rules for a happy life. He has those laws translated into all the languages of the world so we know the rules. They were not given because He was mean or overbearing. Rather they are the rules for the best life. 
We wouldn't play a game without first knowing the rules. In most games, there are limits that will exclude you from play. You know - Strike three, you're out! Not in God's rule book. God loves a repentant heart. He wants us to keep on living life to the fullest. He smiles when we demonstrate a repentant heart. 
How's your heart today? 
Hey Kids:
What games do you like to play?
Do you change the rules?
Is it as much fun playing by new rules?
A new game may have to have the rules tweaked, but God's rules are tried and true. They will always give us the best life. 
Do you know where you can find God's rules? Try Deuteronomy 5:1-21.

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