Sunday, January 26, 2025

Horton Hears a Who


Can You Hear Whos Too? 

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[fn]
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
~Psalms 139:13,14

STOP! Hurry to your nearest bookshelf, library, or store. Get a copy before there are no more. Then slowly, carefully read each line. Is there anything vaguely familiar in the rhyme? 

Horton, whose elephant ears are very sharp, hears the tiniest voice calling for help. He can't see the person whose voice he hears. Some poor little person who resides on a speck of dust is crying out, shaking in fear. "He'll be blown in the pool. He has no way to steer." 
That speck is as small as the head of a pin. But you know "a person's a person no matter how small." Each and every one of us was once the size of a speck, a tiny human egg, as small as the head of a pin. 

Horton imagines who might be living on that speck of dust, "a family with children just starting to grow." The baby kangaroo agrees with everything his mother says. She's training her baby to have the same misconstrued values as she. But Horton keeps repeating "A person's a person, no matter how small." Even when everyone makes fun of him, he still stands for what he knows is right. 

Three monkeys jump on Horton's back. They could have been his friends, the government, or just pushy people trying to help. So they take the flower with the speck and give it to the vulture, who is to "kindly get rid of the thing." What? Kindly get rid? of the thing? Others say nothing is there, but now there is an admittance that there is something there.

So the vulture "hides" it in a field of other flowers. Horton feels more dead than alive. Think about that. Horton didn't agree to throw the flower away but it's affecting him anyway. Finally, he discovers the flower with Whoville, still alive though shattered. 

The kangaroo says they live in a peaceable jungle. How can the world in which they live be peaceable when they destroy the smallest among them? How can Horton show them the truth? By getting everyone in Whoville to make a noise, shout, play music, and just make noise. The kangaroo still can't hear.

But not everyone who lives in Whoville is doing their part. When the mayor searches for the person, he finds him innocently playing with his yoyo at home. He's the one who is keeping the town from being heard. His shout "Yopp!" is the needed extra sound to bring the message to the kangaroo. She changes her mind and her little roo does too. 

The Supreme Court has heard the case and sent it to the states. Many states are waiting for their own Supreme Court to make a decision while thousands of children die. Others have already decided to allow abortion and even infanticide. Our state leaders need to hear our voices now. Who is the last one to let our voice be heard? 

A person's a person, no matter how small!

Heavenly Father, please let the voices of your people arise and be heard by all the land so that the killing of our innocents will cease and healing can begin. In Jesus's name. Amen. 

Hey Kids:
Have you read Horton Hears a Who? Just who is a Who? I think you probably know the story of the Grinch. Little Cindy Lou Who lives in Whoville, the same Whoville Horton saves on the speck of dust. 
Many of Dr. Seuss's stories have important messages with a Christian worldview. What other books by Dr. Seuss have you read? What were some of the messages? 

Every book has an underlying message.  I like to go back and reread books that I enjoy to make sure I got the author's meaning. What other books have you read with a Christian worldview?

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again. 
~I Kings 18:37
January is Sanctity of Life month. The Supreme Court heard the case that returned the decision of abortion back to the states. Essentially, the decision is still up to us, the people in our state, our counties, and our homes. The decision overruled Roe V. Wade. But Roe v. Wade was not the first decision that needed to be overturned. When Elijah the prophet lived under King Ahab, the land was filled with the worship of Baal. In that worship, a fire was built in the idol's body and children were sacrificed on the hot arms of the god. 
It sounds absolutely inhumane, unthinkable, sickening. So is the killing of unborn children in the act of abortion. I won't go into detail. There are plenty of details available on the internet. Suffice it to say, we don't burn babies on the arms of idols anymore. We rip them to pieces straight from the womb. 
Elijah proposed a contest to see who was God, Baal or the God of Israel. When the people saw that Baal could not light a fire on his own altar, they looked to see God's power. When Elijah followed God's directions, fire came down from heaven consuming the sacrifice on the altar. 
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God. ~I Kings 18:39
How long have we allowed the sacrifice of our babies? Since Roe v. Wade? How long before we desire spiritual leadership? How long before we pray to restore our hearts to worship God? 
Heavenly Father, may we cry out in repentance as the people of Israel did, declaring you to be God. May we plead for revival in our land. May our lives demonstrate the sanctity of life you have created. In Jesus's name. Amen.
Hey Kids:
Did you suck your thumb when you were little? Sometimes babies suck their thumbs while they are still in their mommy's tummy.
Did you know you could hear your mom and dad, music, and much more before you were born? 
What characteristics did God give you while you were growing in your mommy's tummy? Whose eyes? Whose nose? Whose personality? Who does Grandma say you are "just like"?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Fight on a Snowy Day


Benaiah was the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man from Kabzeel, who had done many deeds. He had killed two lion-like heroes of Moab. He also had gone down and killed a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day. I Chronicles 11:22 NKJV

A pristine snow covered the ground, covered the snags, and leveled the dips. The sun glistened and sparkled in the cold. Benaiah trudged home alone across the snow. He pulled his cloak close as the wind whipped around him. He had walked since sunup and now the cold was beginning to bite through his whiskers. He should look for shelter, but where in this barren land? 

There, a hole in the snow. Perhaps there was a cave. Benaiah moved closer. A thatch partially covered the hole as if something or someone had fallen through. Again, the wind whipped his cloak, reminding Benaiah he needed to find shelter soon or he would succumb to the freezing temperature. He hoped no one or nothing was still in the pit. Grabbing a piece of the thatch he lowered himself into the dark pit. 

A low growl came from the dark end of the pit, growing louder and coming closer. As it entered the light of the hole, Banaiah saw a huge male lion shaking his head from side to side as he continued to growl at the man who invaded his privacy. 

The growl became a roar. Benaiah reached for his sword tucked under his cloak. He snatched the lion's mane before it could lunge for him. In warrior motion, Benaiah swiped his sword across the bare part of the lion's neck, slicing through to the jugular vein. The lion reared back, pawed the air, then dropped to the floor of the pit. Benaiah wiped the blade clean across the fur of the lion before tucking it away. The odor of blood was nauseating. The smell was not unfamiliar to Benaiah who fought many battles for David. He would rest before facing the snow and cold again in the morning. 

It seems odd to find such a story in the middle of the stories of David's mighty men. There was no one involved but Benaiah. His act was one of self-defense. A closer look will show us the heavenly meaning behind this earthly story. 

When I think of snow, I think of beautiful, quiet, and peaceful. Serene in all its glory, but is it? The snow completely covers the ground causing us to miss the dips and pits that trip us and cause twisted ankles, broken legs, and tragic falls. And so the world looks good. It promises beauty and peace and a prosperous life. When we try to find our hope in the things of the world, it covers the pitfalls and hides the tragedies.  

We often think we can shelter in our families, friends, and even church. We should never let our guard down. For Satan, walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He may lie quiet as a small thing in our lives and homes but his roar will grow in intensity unless we, like Benaiah, are armed with the sword of the Lord. Jesus used scripture to thwart Satan's temptations in the wilderness. We too must be armed and ready to face our lions with the word of God. Though the battle may leave its stench in our memories, through Christ there is rest before we face another day. 

Heavenly Father, help us hide Your word in our hearts that we might not sin against You and that we may stay every attempt of Satan to destroy our testimony before others. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Hey Kids:

Have you read a story that seemed strange or out of place? 
Have you tried to analyze the reasoning for the story?
Here's a few suggestions to think about. 
II Kings 5:1-4 Why would the little maid care?
Luke 1:38-39 Who did Mary tell first? What happened for her to go to her cousin? 
Try picturing the situation. 
How does it feel, or taste, or smell? 
Imagine the conversations. 
How would you react in the same situation?
Write down your thoughts and watch the story emerge.
Look and listen for God's message.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Year's Worth of S.O.A.P.


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15 KJV

Daily Devotional? Read through the Bible in a Year? How much time will these take out of my busy schedule? I thought I might take into account how much time I spend watching TV. I thought I'd also see how much screen time I use daily. Out of 16 waking hours, I spend ____  WHAT???WOW!!! 
If I give 10% of my income, could I not give 10% of my time? WOW again, that would be over an hour and a half each day. So maybe if I skip 15-30 minutes of TV or screen time that would give me time to do a little Bible study. 

I use the S.O.A.P. method. It usually takes 15 -20 minutes. Then I do a five-minute devotional. I'm often surprised how well they mesh together. 

Here's the journaling method I do with my Bible reading. Reading and journaling is usually about 20 minutes.

S. Scripture - I prayerfully read a chapter and allow God to impress one or two verses on my heart. I copy that scripture as the heading of today's reading. 

O. Observation - In my own words, I write my observations about the context of the verse. In other words, I retell the story. 

A. Application - How has God impressed upon me to apply these verses in my world? 

P. Prayer - I write my prayer about applying this scripture in my life.

The verse I chose today was from John 12: 1-11 with an emphasis on verse 9. Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead. 

My observation was that people came to see Lazarus because he knew what it was like to be dead and then come back to life. They probably had questions like; "Did you go toward a light? Was it scary? Did you hover around and watch people as they mourned for you? Did you go to paradise or heaven?" One of the biggest takeaways I had was that Lazarus was a man just like the people and they wanted to see someone whose life God had resurrected from death to a new life.

My application became my Christian walk. I say I am a Christian and people watch me every day to see how God has changed me, how He has delivered me from a lost/dead state to a new/resurrected life in Christ.

Usually, folks don't really come to church looking for God. They came because someone invited them. People want to see how God can change us in such a way that we are new people/creatures in Christ. They've never known what it is like to have their lives completely changed. They are curious to see how it works. 

My prayer was of course personal and individual but here are my thoughts.
Heavenly Father, help me demonstrate my life in Christ every day so that others might see the wonderful change Jesus makes in my life because I have asked for forgiveness and salvation. May others be so affected by the change that it would cause them to turn to Jesus as well. In Christ Jesus's name. Amen

Hey Kids:
Paul wrote these words to young Timothy. And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 
II Timothy 3:15.

You can use S.O.A.P. You can do your own study or find out where your parents will be studying each day. God may reveal something different that you can share at the family altar time. God has something for each of us no matter how old or how young. We'd love for you to share with us, but most importantly, share with your family and demonstrate Christ to others.