Sunday, August 9, 2015

Does the Color Make a Difference?

The phone rang. The box had arrived. All I needed to do was go to the post office and pick it up. I hit the road at 7:45 on a Saturday morning.

As I entered the post office I could here the peeping over all the clatter and voices of early morning preparations. I rang the bell by the big blue door as I had been instructed. No answer. I rang again. No answer. I held the bell. "I'm coming!" The post office lady emerged with with the box. "What's your address?" She shoved the box in my hands as I gave her my address.

"Thanks," I said as she disappeared behind the big blue door. This was the box I had waited for all summer, waiting for the right chicks, the right price, the right timing. It was the right timing. Grandkids were coming to at 8:15. They would want to help open the box.

I prepared the cage. filled the water bottle, and scooped the chick starter feed. A pair of scissors lay beside the box waiting the kids arrival. They too, had waited for the box. We snipped the tape and opened the box to find two sections of peeping, wiggling fluff balls.

Fluff balls of Ameraucana Easter Egg chicks, not Araucana, Ameraucana! These are not show birds, but birds that do lay eggs of blue, green and pink. There are Ameraucana chickens that are show birds but mine are just cute little cross breeds. Did you notice the variety in the colors of the chicks?

They eat together, drink together, and peep together. When they are grown they will still flock together; and they will still be a variety of colors and lay a variety of colored eggs. Are you wondering about the color on the inside of the eggs? Will I cook green eggs and ham? No, not without food coloring. All the eggs are exactly alike on the inside. As a matter of fact they are exactly like white and brown eggs on the inside.

I heard a presidential candidate make that same type of remark the other night. He said when he operated, he was concerned with what made that person who they were, not the color of their skin.
People are just like chicks and eggs in that respect. We aren't eating feathers or shells. We are concerned with what's under the feathers and inside the shell. We shouldn't be concerned with the outside coloring of people either. We need to be concerned with the inside, the hearts of the people we meet.

For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. I Samuel 16:7b  (NKJV)

There seems to be a lot of division often created by the media because of the outward appearance of our neighbors. We need to be like my chicks and ignore the outward and the media hype. We need to be concerned with hearts that need the Savior. We cannot pick and choose those to whom we will give the gospel. Jesus felt the need to go through Samaria to meet the woman at the well and her neighbors. The Good Samaritan couldn't leave a wounded person even if the person was a Jew.  Peter learned a lesson about people when God gave him the vision of the unclean animals. God needed someone willing to go to Cornelius, a Gentile. God needs someone now who is willing to go into the whole world. Take a look around you. In the United States, we live in an international community. The world has already been brought to us. All we have to do is go next door. Will you be that person who will go into all the world? 

I pray we all reach out to someone this week. Won't you share a comment how God led you to the person you spoke with this week?


Hey Kids:
Have you ever thought about the eggs you eat? Some people say they buy a particular color of eggs because of the taste. Why not conduct an experiment.
Ask Mom if she can buy white and brown eggs this week. If you are privileged enough to raise your own eggs perhaps you can trade some of yours for a different color. 
Have someone other than yourself cook eggs of different color shells. 
Label the eggs plate 1 and plate 2 so you won't know what color shell the eggs came from.
Now do the taste test. 
Take a bite from each egg plate. 
Take a guess as to what color the shell was.
Have others in your family take the taste test as well.
Did you guess right?
Was there really a difference in the taste?
My guess is that about 1/2 of the tasters guessed correctly.
Can you tell why about 1/2 guessed correctly? 

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