Sunday, March 24, 2019

Pruning for an Abundance of Fruit

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5

Spring is coming on fast here in the Upstate of SC. This week my husband cut deadwood out of the apple trees. My garden was finally dry enough to turn under. The peach trees are blooming along the roadside. Everything is recovering from the dead of winter.

To get the best from the apple trees, the garden, and the peach orchards people have to be involved. God put Adam and Eve in a garden to tend it. He looked for a shepherd to be king of Israel. Many of Jesus' parables are about agriculture. In Isaiah 11:1 He is referred to as the Branch and in John 15, He is the Vine. Jesus says the Father is glorified when we bear fruit. 

To bear fruit we must be attached to the Branch. Sometimes there is deadwood in our lives that need pruning out. Pruning trees, tilling the ground, those are acts of kindness for a tree or a garden. Sure plants and trees can put down roots and still grow but not in the way they could or should. The tilling and pruning open the way for gardens and trees to grow and bear an abundance of fruit. Acts of kindness toward others can open doors of relationships where we can be the witness that bears fruit for God's kingdom. 

Father, help us examine our own lives that we might prune out those things that would hinder our witness. Help us replace the deadwood with acts of kindness that builds relationships and lead to opportunities for a witness. 

Hey Kids: 

What acts of kindness are you using to build relationships with others?

Here are some ideas:
  • Help a neighbor clean up their yard after a storm.
  • Bake some muffins or cookies for a sick neighbor.
  • Sit with someone at lunch or recess who is alone. 
We would love to hear your ideas. Please share them in the comments below. 



Beth K. Fortune said...

Spring is here for sure. And yes, I always need a little pruning too! Great reminder!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments, Beth. You are always an encouragement.