Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hide and Seek


And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

Luke 15:5

We camped with the grandchildren at Cades Cove, TN this week. While visiting the John Oliver Cabin on the historical loop the girls decided to play hide and seek, the oldest hiding from the youngest. 

Laurel snuck away from her sister on several occasions but the little one finally found her. With the satisfaction of having won the game, Fern plopped down on the porch to rest. 

Hide and seek is a game older than these cabins and we all tend to play it in one way or another. Jesus said He came to seek and to save that which was lost. We try every move possible to avoid confronting our sins. We hide from the truth that sin usually makes us miserable. But Jesus never gives up on us. He wants us to be found by Him. In Jesus parable of the lost sheep, He says He lays the sheep He found on His shoulders and rejoices, carrying it back to the fold. 

Are you still hiding from God? Do you know someone who is? Look at the satisfaction on little Fern's face having found her sister. Jesus has that look of satisfaction and rejoicing when another person has been found, brought into the fold of God. I'm thankful to have been found. 

Hey Kids:

What games do you like to play? 
There are a variety of hide and seek games I played as a child. 
Here's just a few. Maybe your parents or grandparents can show you how to play.

Thimble, Thimble, Who's Got the Thimble
Doggie, Doggie, Who's Got the Bone
Marco Polo
Blind Man's Bluff
Pin the Tail on the Donkey

Let our games remind us that Jesus is seeking after each one of us. Let Him find you. 



Jean said...

JEsus is always searching.

Unknown said...

Yes, Jean and aren't we thankful that He is.