Sunday, September 15, 2019

Just Wondering

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Genesis 2:15

This summer I finally grew my favorite fruit - watermelon. I usually try without much success. Either I pick them too soon and they're still white on the inside or I don't use enough compost and they don't grow any bigger than a teacup.

I sliced one of my medium size melons today and I just got to wondering how big is heaven's watermelon patch? You think that's a dumb question? Well, there's a tree that bears twelve kinds of fruit. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. The first thing God did with people was to put them in a garden. So I'm thinking I'd like to have the job of tending God's watermelon patch. After the marriage supper of the Lamb, it might be nice to have a slice of watermelon for dessert.

Since there's no reason to think we'll be sitting on clouds strumming harps, I'm wondering what you imagine getting to do to glorify our Savior. Sharing thoughts are welcome in the comments box.

Hey Kids:

Most likely you know someone in heaven.

What do you think they're doing?
Swimming in the river?
Picking flowers for a bouquet?
Rubbing the mane of a lion?
Climbing trees and picking fruit?

October 3 is Bring Your Bible to School day.
You've got time to do a little research on heaven and write a story about the person you know who's getting to explore heaven. Here are a few verses to get you started.

  • II Peter 3:13
  • Revelation 22:1-3
  • Revelation 21:4

Oh, by the way, no fishing allowed. There is no pain or death there.

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