Sunday, May 3, 2020

Butterflies and Preschool

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17

If you've had an opportunity to be out and about in your yard or on trails you may have noticed the variety of butterflies we have here in the Upstate. My friend Diane Buie, has published My Butterfly Chair, a butterfly book for preschoolers. She photographed the most common butterflies here in the Upstate and lets her book be a type of butterfly search. It will help children and parents learn the names and habitats of butterflies in our area.

My Butterfly Chair will be a good book to take in the yard to help young children identify butterflies. Instead of catching butterflies, Miss Buie encourages children to allow the butterflies to land on knees and toes. Children can have up-close and personal observations. How fun is that!

There are so many lessons butterflies can teach us.  Each butterfly is different just as we are one of a kind creations. By extending the observation to include lifecycles, children will begin to see how caterpillars have to make a drastic change to become beautiful butterflies. They have to die to their old way of life and become new creatures.  By applying the lifecycle to our spiritual lives we can understand our need for change. We go along with life until the day we realize this need, the need for repentance, and a new direction. God's direction. Then like the caterpillar we must die to our old way of life and let God change us into the new creature He wants us to be.

Have you allowed the Lord to bring that change into your life? What new things have you noticed in yourself?

Diane's books are available at You may also find her out and about with her books at area craft fairs in the near future.



Diane B said...

Gail, I appreciate your thoughts on my latest book, My Butterfly Chair. You are quite right that the book is about searching for butterflies and exploring them instead of capturing them and placing them in glass. :) I enjoy your book, Tsali, as well. It goes great with Carolina history! ( I hope I spelled your book title correctly). Thanks again!

Gail Cartee said...

Diane, thank you for commenting and yes you did spell Tsali correctly.