Sunday, June 21, 2020

Put On Your Walking Shoes

Gird thyself and bind on thy sandals Acts 12:8

How often do we say to our children "Put your shoes on"? How often do they whine, "I can't"? There are things we know our children can do for themselves but there are times when they still need our help. Today let's look at a situation in Acts 12:1-19 when God was willing to help but Peter needed to do some things for himself.

Peter was imprisoned for preaching the gospel and because it pleased "the people". Herod's intent was to kill Peter, but God wasn't finished with Peter just yet. Peter wasn't like me. I would have been wide awake with worry. Peter was sound asleep.  He'd taken off his clothes and shoes and prepared for a night's rest. He was settled in a dark damp prison sound asleep when the angel punched him in the side to wake him up.

"Gird thyself and bind on thy sandals." Even though Peter thought he was dreaming he followed the angel's directions. "Cast thy garment about thee and follow me." the angel said. Of course today we might hear, "Put your clothes on and put on your shoes too. Get your jacket on and follow me." Peter was chained in the prison. So the angel had to do his part by unshackling Peter. It's easy for us as parents to do the things our children can't but it takes patience to wait on them to do what they can for themselves. I can just see Peter still half asleep trying to dress (Did you notice the angel had turned on the light?) Peter probably staggered along following the angel out to the gate that opened by itself. 

As they went out into the street the angel left. By then Peter was awake enough to realize he wasn't dreaming. God had delivered him! What was the first thing he did? He went to find his friends, the people of the church. They were praying at the home of Mary, John Mark's mother. Here was another door. This time he knocked. Sweet little Rhoda comes to the door and in shock, she closes it back and runs to tell the others. (Goodness girl, let him in. It's dark and cold and the guards may be looking for him). No one believes her but Peter is still knocking. 

What has God told you to do? How is He helping you do the impossible? Yes, it was impossible for Peter to come out of his situation alive. But God always does His part and waits patiently for us to do ours. In Ephesians6:1-19 we are told to put on the whole armor of God. He's provided us with all we need, the Truth, His righteousness, the gospel of peace, and above all faith. But there are a few things we have to do for ourselves. We need to put on our walking shoes and tie them on tight.

Have we asked for salvation? Have we studied our Bible, the sword of the Spirit? And have we covered our days and nights with prayer for ourselves and others? These are the things we must do for ourselves. God will lose the chains and open the doors if we do our part in following Him.



Diane B said...

Love your blogpost, Gail! :) Thanks for those encouraging words!

Gail Cartee said...

Diane, thanks for your faithfulness in reading and encouraging words.