Sunday, May 16, 2021

Morning Glories


But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. ~Proverbs 4:18 KJV

I don't like morning glories. They sprout up everywhere in the garden. They twine up the tomato cages, the bean poles, and the outside fencing. I can't keep ahead of them. Did I say I don't like morning glories? Until I saw a piece about how "the light shines within." (Whoever wrote that please forgive me for not crediting you. I went back and looked and couldn't find the piece.) 

But back to my point. Morning glories shine from within! I never noticed that. They come in a variety of colors. They grow in gardens, along roadsides, and some people plant them on purpose. As a child, I liked to find the unopened blossoms and pop them. When I found out my neighbor bought seeds for her flower bed I almost fainted. Then I saw that piece, "the light shines within." God never created anything without a purpose, not even morning glories. 

Why would the Lord create a flower to look like a light shining from within? Insects and bugs of all types are drawn to light. Flowers need bugs for pollination. If the inside of a flower that provides food for insects looks like a light all the better for both the bug and the flower. The pollinated flower can produce seeds for more morning glories. That's a good thing when you consider we should be like morning glories. 

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  
~II Corinthians 4:6 KJV

We have the Light within us when we repent of our sins and allow Jesus to come in. We are a new creation made to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. We are to be morning glories, shining our lights and drawing others to Christ. The more we share Christ, the more seeds we produce from those who also allow Jesus to be their Savior. They too become morning glories. We grow in God's garden popping up everywhere, shining among the people of the world. Seeming obnoxious to those who don't realize God's goodness but so important in shining the light for all the world to see. 

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify Father which is in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16 KJV

How are others seeing the Light of Jesus in you?

Blessings, Gail

Hey Kids:

What are you discovering about the creation that you can apply to your own life? 
Have you heard the cicadas that are emerging loudly declaring the glory of God?
Have you noticed how many kinds of pollinators are drawn to flowers? 
Are there birds performing rituals and building homes for their families?
How do you see nature allowing God's light to shine? 
May I recommend this book? It's a little different from the song you usually sing. 

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