Sunday, September 19, 2021

New Life, New Way, New Culture


And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: ~
Ruth 1:16 KJV

Most often we hear these scriptures at weddings but they were first spoken by a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. Naomi, her husband and her two sons had gone to Moab to live because of a famine around Bethlehem. They lived there long enough for the sons to marry. Then Naomi's husband and her two sons died, leaving no children. When Naomi hears the famine is gone in Bethlehem she is determined to go back home. She tells her daughter-in-laws to return to their people. One goes back to her Moabite family, their culture, and their gods. But Ruth asks to go with Naomi. 

Ruth had learned of the Lord through Naomi. She wanted to stay with her. She didn't want to go back to her old life though it meant leaving her people, her ways, and her culture. She wanted a new life in Christ more than she wanted anything else. 

When we give our life to Christ, He changes that desire for the old to a new life, new ways, and a new culture. We are a new creation, old things are passed away and all things have become new 
(II Corinthians 5:17).

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
~II Peter 1:3 KJV

Ruth needed Naomi's fellowship to live for the Lord. She couldn't go back to her old way of life. Neither can we go back to our old way of life once we have been given forgiveness and a new life in Christ. We have the power from Him to live Godly lives through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Like Ruth's desire to learn more, do more, be more like Christ, He has called us to give Him glory living lives of virtue, of high moral standings. We can no longer look back to our old life. 

We cannot live in our old culture. Our lives have been called to a new higher standard in Christ. 

Heavenly Father, help us examine our lives, our desires and help us move forward in Christ, not looking back to our old lives, our old ways, and our old culture but living a new life in Christ. In Jesus's name, Amen. 

Hey Kids:

So often we are told to be kind, be friends to everyone. That's true but we also must choose our friends wisely. We can be kind to everyone but we don't want to hang out with the wrong friends. 

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.
~I Corinthians 15:33 NIV

Will it cost you? Yes, you'll likely lose friends, be made fun of, and miss out on some "fun" but God has you here at this time on purpose for a purpose. He will supply all your needs in Christ Jesus. Just give your life to Him and keep following like Ruth. 

Read the rest of Ruth's story. You'll be amazed how God worked things out for her, a Moabite living among "strangers" who she took for her own people because of her love for the Lord. 

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