Sunday, October 24, 2021

Truth and Love


And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.  ~John 8:11KJV

Do you remember reading The Scarlet Letter? The other day I picked up my granddaughter from school.  She asked me if I had read it. She said her teacher played a song for them by Casting Crowns that talked about it in some of the lyrics. Yes, I remembered the song. I remembered the part about "under the shadow of our steeple." There was a tragedy in the shadow of our steeple just about the time the song was released. It was a case of domestic violence.  I remember thinking I hadn't gone to visit or invite the family to church before the tragedy. 

The name of the song was "Can Anybody Hear Her?" It was more about a girl with an unexpected pregnancy. It was about how the church looks down on these girls. In the past year I have become a volunteer mentor at the Carolina Pregnancy Center. Part of the training is Life Issues which includes Biblical Sexuality. Our God is a God of second chances. Remember the woman at the well? No one in her town wanted to openly have anything to do with her. Neither did the disciples — but Jesus. There's always the — but Jesus. Remember the woman taken in adultery? There were many accusers but because of Jesus, there was no one to cast the first stone. Neither did He cast a stone but told her to go and sin no more. Jesus spoke truth and love to both women. It made all the difference in both their lives. In the Samaritan town of Sychar, love and truth made a difference in the whole town in two days (John 4).  

Our God is a God of second chances. 

How are we as Christians helping others see the truth in love? How are we meeting the lost and lonely people we meet every day? How do we show unwed mothers we care about them and their unborn baby? Abortion in the US is used in over 95% of the cases for social and economic factors, "my boyfriend will leave me", "I have to go to school", "I've got a scholarship", and the list goes on. Less then 5% are for rape, incest, life of the mother, health of the mother, or health of the baby (produced by Lisa Van Riper, President of SC Citizens for Life.

Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see her? She needs support from Christians, from the church, and from her family. She needs to know Jesus will forgive her. She needs to know He wants to change her life and lifestyle, even if her pregnancy test is negative. The only way she can know Jesus loves her is if Christians love her, support her emotionally, spiritually, and physically, giving her a hand up. 

Girls who are post-abortion need exactly the same love and truth. Probably no one told them the truth about their baby. Jesus still stands ready to forgive and renew their hearts as well. 

Friends, she is running in all the wrong directions. Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see her? There is a Crisis Pregnancy Center near you. There are lots of lost and lonely people in the shadow of our steeple. Will you and your church find out how you can help? 

Father God, please give us a heart for the lost and lonely people we come in contact with every day. Please help us know how to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their lives, restoring hope for their tomorrow and all eternity. In Jesus's name. Amen. 

Hey Kids: 

Have you noticed children in your classroom or neighborhood who seem sad or lonely?
In what ways can you encourage those children? 
Here are a few ideas that might open doors to new friendships and possibilities. 
  • ask to sit with them at lunch.
  • ask them to join in a game at recess.
  • give a smile across the classroom or a hi-five in the hallway.


Janice D. Green said...

What an excellent post. We as Christians need to open our arms to those who are hurting, even from having made bad choices - and who hasn't made them at one time or another. We need to consider our churches to be hospitals for the broken people instead of our private clubs for the "sanctified."

Gail Cartee said...

Janice, thank you for your encouragement. May we always be open to helping others. We never know what they may be going through.