Sunday, December 12, 2021

Once in a Lifetime


 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. ~Luke 1:6

Personal devotion writers encourage us to read a chapter of Luke every day this month and by the end of the month, we will have read the entire book. I usually read a chapter every day and then journal a significant verse(s) the Lord emphasizes to me.  So looking at the first few verses of Luke I thought like me, Zacharias and Elisabeth were older folks. They probably went about their daily routines not thinking much about how many things happen in the course of the day that are once-in-a-lifetime events.

Zacharias was taking his turn serving in the temple. It's my understanding most men didn't get to do that but once in a lifetime because of the number of men available. While he was serving an angel appeared to him. Now that seems like it should stand out as a once-in-a-lifetime event. The angel came with a message from God but Zacharias doubted the message. His doubt caused God to shut his mouth and his ears for a time but it didn't stop God from fulfilling His purpose. 

Then there was Elisabeth who was never able to have a child but found herself pregnant after her husband returned home. Remember she was old too. She hid herself until she was showing, maybe because the other women would accuse her of being crazy. 

I just had a birthday. Every birthday is a once-in-a-lifetime event. I'll never be this age again. Then I thought the things that happen this day will never happen again. Am I missing something that God wants to use to fulfill His purpose? Does God try to tell me the special plan He has for me?  Am I doubting His purpose in my life because of my age? Do I expect God to use me? 

Now, I want to spend my time, not just celebrating my birthday  — but the once-in-a-lifetime events that occur every day, that God will use for His glory and my good if I pay attention. I want to enter each day looking for what God is doing. Can I put my finger on something special every day? Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I won't see it in the future. Maybe the "something special" is that I am recognizing that every day is a once-in-a-lifetime event that I shouldn't waste. 

I came across a quote that sums it all up very well. 

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. - John Wesley

Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to participate in Your great plan every day. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Hey Kids:

Have you wondered what plan God has for you this day? When Jesus was a boy he did many of the same things you do. He played with the other children, learned to read and write, obeyed his parents, and enjoyed being a kid. 

 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. 
~Luke 2:52

What are ways you can increase in wisdom?
-listen to adults who try to help you.
-do your schoolwork.
-think through things before you act.

How can you increase in stature?

eat healthy foods
think through things before you act.

What are ways to increase in favor with God and men?

memorize scripture
be kind to everyone you meet.
allow your actions to be guided by God's word.

May the joy and significance of Christmas go with you throughout the year

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