Sunday, September 4, 2022

Mining for Truth


 Photo courtesy of Matt Seymour

 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17

Have you ever been gem mining? My grandson always loved swishing a pan of sand in the water and finding little gems. The water helped the sand pass through the sieve, leaving the goodies in the pan. If the sieve had a hole in it or was coming loose from the side, the gemstones would slip through and be lost. That would never do. We needed a good sieve so he could come away with a nice pocket full of rocks.

Just like with gem mining, we need a good sieve in life.  It's often hard to figure out the truth. We hear so many versions of "truth". We see so many video clips trying to convince us of "the truth". We read so many "facts" to demonstrate "the truth". We need a good sieve to pass all this information through. One with no holes or loose edges that would allow an untruth to pass through. 

 Jesus said that God's word is truth. How do we filter everything through God's word? It's hard to understand. It's a big book. We don't have time. My grandson didn't pour water over the pan of sand and just wait for the gems to appear. He had to swish it and dip it again and again. Each time swishing and taking out little treasures until he had devoured the whole $15 bucket. So too, we must take little bits, letting the Water of Life swish over the words, revealing the gems a few at a time. Here are a few tips I use:
  • Commit to reading one chapter each day, just one.
  • Pray before reading to commit that chapter to God's revealing.
  • Look for the gem, the one thing God is revealing to me in the chapter.
  • Journal my find.
  • Write an application for myself.
  • Write a prayer about the application.
  • Share the gems with someone else, my spouse, my family, my friend, etc. 
One find leads to another. As soon as my grandson finished one bucket of sand he always wanted more. 

Heavenly Father, help me look for the gems in Your word and apply them to my life, the things I hear and see and read. Help me to be hungry each day for another chapter of truth. In Jesus's name. Amen.

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