But when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for them: Judges 3:15
In the days of the judges, Israel had intermarried with the pagans around them. They had turned to the pagan gods. Baal was the god they most often looked to who required child sacrifice. The firstborn son was placed in the hot hands of Baal to be shriveled into ashes for the god. This was supposed to bring them rain and good crops; economic success.
We find ourselves within days of an election that is most often about economics. Our food, gas, and other necessities are inflated so high the average American is struggling to keep their head afloat. This past summer, our Supreme Court overturned a ruling that federally legalized abortion, back to the states. Many states are in the process of restricting abortions or eliminating them all together.
But those whose eyes are on the elections recognize it's the economy driving the electorate. One candidate is even suggesting that the lack of access to abortion is the reason our economy is in such bad shape. She says all abortions should be legal so that women are not burdened with children who are a drain on a woman's income.
WHAT? Is her platform not the same as the Baal worshippers in the time of the judges? Isn't she telling us that to be successful economically we must sacrifice our children? She's not the only one.
Before we cast our ballots next week (and please be sure you vote), pray, pray hard for our nation, for our leaders, and for our own attitudes. Examine the platforms of the candidates. Examine your own priorities. The Hispanic voters are strongly proposing that we voice our long-held family values of God, Family, and hard work. May we join our voices with theirs in prayer to the true Provider.
Heavenly Father, Help us return to the values we were taught, the values this nation was founded on. Let it be known In God We Trust. You have allowed it to be placed on every piece of our money as a reminder of where our economic success comes from. It only comes from You, O Lord. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.
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