Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sprouting Seeds

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. ~I Corinthians 3:7

What will you do with the leaves you rake this fall? Last year our neighbors came across the street and asked to rake a pile of leaves in our lower yard so their children would have a pile to jump in. They only had a few small trees and not many leaves yet. For several hours the children enjoyed raking, running, and jumping. Then, the pile lay there partially flattened until spring. 

When spring came I carried the partially decomposed leaves to the garden for mulch. Funny thing about mulch. It's called by several names: mulch, compost, and rotten vegetation. Maybe you can name a few more. Invariably there are seeds of one type and another in any pile of compost. Even if it is completely decomposed there are likely thousands of tiny seeds that are transferred to the garden or flower beds along with the rotten vegetation you intend to keep down weeds and add to the fertility of your soil. 

In a few weeks seeds of all kinds will begin to rise up through the mulch. Why? Didn't they rot along with the vegetation? Surprisingly, NO. The only things that will decompose are dead matter: leaves, dead plants, dead animals, and yes dead people. 

Seeds will not decompose. Just think about it. Seeds contain all that is necessary to reproduce life. Inside the cover of the seed is the pollinated beginnings of life. It will lay there for a long time until it is given the water it needs. Give the seed water and it will sprout. It will then need water and soil. The seeds of the Judean date palm thought to be extinct were found in caves. Though they had lain in dry caves for about 2000 years when given water, they sprouted. With the care of gardeners who gave them soil and light we now have the ancient Judean date palm once again. 

That brings us back to the verse. As Christians, it is our job to plant the seeds of the gospel. We can't make people accept the gift of eternal life. It is simply our job to plant the seed and with kindness give it the water it needs to grow. It may lay dormant for many years. We may never see the fruits of our witness on this side of heaven. If we give the gospel to others and demonstrate a changed life then there will be a time when God will give the increase with the salvation of another soul.

Heavenly Father, thank you for using me to present the gospel to others. Thank you others come behind me adding encouraging words to those seeds already planted.Thank you we are not responsible for the increase but understand that in time you will give the increase. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be farmers in your field. In Jesus's name. Amen. 

Hey Kids:

  • Now is the time to save a few seeds for a flower bed or garden next year. 
  • Collect a few seeds, allow them to fully dry, then place them in a jar or bag in the fridge until spring. 
  • Allow a few others to drop to the ground. Place a marker at the spot(s) you want to watch next spring for sprouts.
  • Watch how God gives the increase.


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