Sunday, February 2, 2025

Raising Kids to Follow Christ


 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: ~ Psalms 78:6-7

Children have always been my passion. I taught 4K for most of my 30 years of teaching. I look for information and books to stretch my ability to help children learn, to learn the three Rs and to learn about Christ. My friend, Lee Ann Mancini, has written  Raising Kids to Follow Christ.  I wish it had been written when I was raising my children. The chapters are conversational. I felt like Lee Ann was sitting there encouraging me as a young parent. Encouraging is the right word here. She isn't high-minded or judgmental but rather takes us through useful information every parent can use.  She incorporates scripture with each recommendation, so it's not her that speaks, but God's Word. Each chapter builds on the previous with good instruction beginning with building a spiritual foundation for our children and taking that instruction through the years. 

I really like the way each chapter is broken down into small bites. As a busy parent, I needed small bites of information I could ponder while changing a diaper or fixing a meal. These are meaty small bites such as Praying Over Our Children (even while they are still in the womb), The Ten Commandments (memorizing them by living them out before our children), and Tell the Next Generation (instilling allegiance to God like we show allegiance to our sports teams - go all out). 

Some of the chapters address character development and building a strong Christian foundation. She offers practical methods for connecting children to Jesus and cultivating trust in God. One of my favorite chapters is Helping Shape a Godly Worldview. To me that was always a hard concept but Mrs. Mancini breaks it down so it's a natural process of everyday life. 

I often hear people say "Kids are mean." Lee Ann has a chapter that helps us instill virtues in our children. She helps parents realize virtues are caught, not taught. There's also a chapter on the fruits of the Spirit. Every chapter is built on the idea that we must demonstrate not tell our children how to live godly lives.

At the end of the book is chapter by chapter questions. I love this because I can reflect on what I've read and if I have a question about how she recommends handling something I can easily find the chapter. 

Mrs. Mancini's conclusion is "Raising kids to be followers of Christ is all about the salvation of our children." We want to know that one day we will sit down in heaven and our children will be sitting across the table from us. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us writers who point us to the ultimate instruction book, Your Word. Thank you, that you've given them the gift to break down the scripture in such a way as to increase our understanding. Father, help us follow through with the concepts in Your Word to raise our children to be followers of Christ so that we may spend eternity together in heaven. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen. 

Hey Kids:

Do you have a devotional time with your parents?
Are you asking questions? 
Are you expressing your thoughts about your family life, church life, and school life? 
Can others see Jesus in you? 
As you ponder these questions, what do you notice you are doing right? What are one or two things you could work on? You may want to place a sticky note somewhere obvious to you as a reminder of the great things you're doing and the work yet to be accomplished. 

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