Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
It's time to start tomato seeds here in the Upstate of SC. I've gathered my heirloom seeds, my organic mix, a mini-greenhouse, and little pots. Now for those of you new to starting tomatoes, I place the pots in the mini-greenhouse, add soil that I've sufficiently watered, place a couple of seeds in each pot, and cover with soil on the top, spraying with water to settle in the seeds.
Now the most important part.
I cover the plants with the lid of the greenhouse. Why, you may ask, is that the most important part? Because now I have to leave the seeds and soil alone while I do other things and wait for the little seedlings to sprout.I was thinking about how much our children are like plants. We want them to grow, so we should give them the best "soil" in which to grow. The ideal place would be a stable Christian home. After all, they are our heirloom seeds. Water them with the spirit of peace and love. Daily infuse them with God's word. Protect them with the covering that lets the Light of Jesus in and allows the moisture of the Holy Spirit to keep them supple and growing. Never would I leave the lid off my seedlings' greenhouse. The moisture would escape, and the plants would wither and die. As the seedlings grow, I may take off the lid for a few hours to begin hardening off the sprouts before putting them in the garden. I'll also begin to put them outside for a few hours to expose them to the cooler temperature. I'll always remember to water and cover them before leaving them for very long.
What about the covering of our children? Do we allow others to raise them, others who may or may not know the Lord? They are our seedlings, which were given to us to raise. There will come a time when we will need to let them out into the world, away from our eyes and sheltering arms for a few hours. Their time out in the world will get longer, but we will provide that stable home as a covering until the time they leave to begin life on their own. When they are firmly rooted and growing in God's word, when their minds and spirits can withstand the heat of the world.
Heavenly Father, help me keep a home that is a covering of God's grace for my children and grandchildren. Help me show them the peace of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus. For it's in Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
Hey Kids:
Do you like watching things grow? Packets of vegetable and flower seeds are inexpensive at dollar stores. You can make a mini greenhouse by recycling the lettuce cartons or clear egg cartons your mom usually throws away. Empty egg shells make great little seed pots for starting seeds. If mom or dad have a little left over potting soil or seed starter they may allow you to start your own seeds.
When your seedlings are big enough to transplant outside, perhaps a corner of a flower bed or your own personal raised bed will produce that first taste of tender care.
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