Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Sinful Thing

For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Romans 7:19 NIV

I love my gardens and my yard and let me say, so do the fire ants (Solenopsis Invicta)! 
There are over 280 known species. I try to watch my step, but inevitably I step on a hill. Are they driving you crazy too? 

I spray down my feet and legs with essential oils. I pour dish detergent and essential oils on the hills. I tried grits, boiling water, and goodness knows what else. Nothing helps! I'm bitten again. Dare I call the fire ant exterminator? 

Maybe the Lord has sent this "plague" to make us realize sin is like fire ants. Our fleshly bodies are a natural habitat for sin. We try to quit this and quit that. We try to turn over a new leaf. We go on diets and run marathons. But inevitably our pet sin returns. Dare we call on the name of Jesus who takes away our sin; who recovers us from addictions; who saves our very souls? Folks, maybe it's time we call on Jesus. 

Hey Kids:

Have you tried to obey your parents without grumbling?

Is it easy to be a friend to the friendless?

Do commercials make you want to try things just to be cool? 

How is Jesus helping you be a better friend, child, person?

Why not write a prayer asking Him to show you His plan this week. Write your observations of His answers as the week progresses. 

What did you discover about praying for help?

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