Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Rocks Cry Out

And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Luke 19:40
Can you see it? The rocks and the river and the trees on each side? 

I visited the Appalachian Heritage Arts and Crafts Festival yesterday. As I perused the jewelry this piece caught my attention. I wondered how the artisan fashioned this landscape inside something that looked like a rock? I assumed she had somehow poured a mix of color in a particular pattern.                                                                                         WRONG! 

The necklace I admired was a piece of Terra Rosa Jasper. The lady who fashioned the jewelry said Jasper is a fairly common gem found in this area and around the world. She told me the Jasper doesn't reveal the landscapes until it is polished. I was amazed that a rock would reveal the natural beauty of a landscape! It was as if the rock itself cried out praise to its Creator.

We're a lot like that rock. We're rough and dirty from sin until the Lord picks us up and polishes our hearts to reveal the person He created us to be - a child of God.

Hey Kids:

Do you like to collect rocks?
Have you noticed anything special about the rocks you've collected?

My grandson loves to stop at gem mines to see what will wash up in a bucket of dirt and sand.

Sometimes miners find gems that can be polished and turned into jewelry. Usually, there's just some unusual shapes or colors to add to a collection but they're all worthwhile to the miner.

Pick out a favorite rock for your pocket. Let it remind you that the Lord has plans for you. You may be a worker in your community, a teacher, a doctor, a deacon, a pastor, or the next Billy Graham. Whatever plans the Lord has for you remember you are valuable to the Lord - the miner of our hearts.


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