Sunday, January 12, 2020

Each Day's Plan

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Just before the new year, I came across plans for a Temperature Blanket. A friend and I determined we would give it a try. After reading the variety of ways to make this blanket that I call an afghan, I decided to go with crocheting the blanket in slip stitches. There will be 366 rows for the year 2020. I'm really not sure what the color of the day will be until I check the temperature each morning. I am reminded I am not in charge of the day. Each day is the Lord's. His design will be recorded in layers of thread each evening one day at a time. Don't look too close or you will see my imperfections. I suppose there should be imperfections in my blanket/afghan because my day is filled with imperfections. I am not the person I should be but each day brings me closer to being what the Lord wants me to be. 

I can't plan how this afghan will play out, how the golds of warmer temperatures will complement the cooler spring colors or how the crimson of summer will contrast with the snowy colors of winter. Following God's weather scheme of color is traveling into the unknown but like God's plan for me, I know it will be memorable and amazing. I plan to finish the edge with white to remind me that my sinless perfect God is in charge of every day. 

Like following the Lord, this blanket/afghan can be started any time during the year. It will still have a beginning and on the same date the next year will be the ending. Like the blanket, each of us makes the choice when we will begin following the Lord. He has the plan for our lives and the ending. It will be memorable and amazing when we follow His plan.  If you'd like to make a temperature blanket/afghan check out Pinterest and find the one that fits your style. Your blanket will be as unique as you because you are God's design even more so than the weather. We don't know what the future holds but God knows the plans He has for us. It is His intention to prosper us and not to harm us. He has plans to give us hope and a future. 

As we look back at our blanket/afghans we will see the chilly days, the insufferably hot days, the pleasant picnic days and the crisp autumn days. May we be reminded that life has chilly days, insufferable days, pleasant days and those wonderfully crisp days. God will never leave us or forsake us. He has the plan and we will receive His best. 

God's blessings for the New Year.

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