Sunday, March 8, 2020

Connecting the Dots

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. Luke 24:27 (NIV)

It's amazing how often we aren't able to connect the dots. The disciples Jesus met on the road to Emmaus knew Jesus. They were sure He was the promised Messiah. He had told them He must suffer and die but they weren't connecting all the dots. So Jesus patiently explained beginning with Moses and all the prophets. Finally when He blessed the bread their eyes were opened and they understood that He was Jesus resurrected from the dead. 

Where did Jesus begin with Moses? The first five books of the Bible are the books compiled by Moses. This is where Jesus began. The disciples weren't the first ones who needed that type of explanation. If we look at the story of Moses and the burning bush we see God had to start at the beginning so Moses would understand how to connect the dots for the people (Exodus 4).  

The Serpent
Moses told God the Israelites wouldn't believe God sent him. God told Moses to throw down his rod. The rod turned into a serpent. God began at the beginning. Sin entered into the world with the serpent deceiving Eve.

Then Moses was told to put his hand in his bosom. Moses' hand would have been over his heart. Sin begins in our hearts. When Moses pulled out his hand it was leprous, the incurable disease unless a miracle happened. God told Moses to put his hand back in his bosom. This time the disease was gone when he pulled out his hand, signifying God is the only One who can cleanse a sinful heart. 

The Water of Life
The Nile River was the water that sustained life in Egypt. Moses was to pour out water from the river on the ground and it would turn to blood. The Water of Life, Jesus Himself would come to earth and pour out His blood on the ground for our sins, rising again the third day. 

We don't know exactly where Jesus began the explanation His disciples needed to connect the dots but it is likely He started with the serpent in the garden and the original sin and ended with Himself poured out on the earth for the sins of the world. 

As Easter and Passover approach, are we connecting the dots? 
Do we understand that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God? 
Do we understand our hearts are desperately wicked?
Do we understand Jesus gave Himself pouring out His life's blood for our sin?

What have you done with the knowledge of God's love for you?
We'd love to hear your story.


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