Sunday, April 5, 2020

Bitter Water

And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: Exodus 15:25

In the midst of all the worry, confusion, and fear, where do we turn?

In Exodus 15:23 the children of Israel murmured against Moses. They had forgotten in just a few short days all that God had done for them in the crossing of the Red Sea and delivering them from Pharaoh. They wanted to blame Moses for taking them out of Egypt and the good life. Now, here they were thirsty and the water was bitter. Blaming Moses was their usual mode of operation. Moses, being at wit's end, went to God. God's answer is always the same. Cut down the tree and cast it in the water. 

What? How is that the same answer? Water - the one thing we all depend on for life, but when life is bitter, where do we turn? Some turn to distractions, entertainment, or anything to take their minds off of their troubles. Others turn to the bottle and try to drown their troubles or they escape into drugs. When there is nowhere else to go people finally turn to the cross. A cross made from the trunk of a tree where the Son of God gave His life for us. Do you see it is the same answer we are looking for? When things are hard people look to Jesus. Some only turn until the trouble has passed. Others truly mean business and repent of their sins, giving their hearts and lives to Jesus. Then the real journey begins. If you read the next few verses you'll see God's promise to take care of the children of Israel. He is the same God who will take care of us. 

Have you allowed the cross in your life?  Have you realized Jesus will give you peace of mind in the midst of trouble? The government is like Moses, they can only do so much, then it's up to us to let the Lord make our bitter lives sweet. 

Won't you share how God is giving you peace in the midst of the fear and chaos that surrounds us?


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