Sunday, August 6, 2023

Windows of Learning (1)


But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
Job 12:7-9 (NIV)

I wonder what this boy is thinking. He's mesmerized by God's creation just outside his window. Can you see him in your mind looking back to see if anyone is watching? Then slipping through the window to discover something. Something really cool, forgetting all about the school lessons on his desk that need to be finished before supper. 

Why do we make learning so difficult? Watch, no, observe a child observing a bug, squatting down, focused, momentarily reaching out to touch it. Maybe just with a stick. Maybe prodding it with a finger or a toe. But the child is learning, discovering what God has created to show us about Himself. Will the child learn more from the books and papers on his desk? Can he learn the same material from the things he's discovering outside his window? I truly think he can and this is why. From Genesis chapters 1 and 2 we can observe these things. 
  • God created the universe.
  • God is in control of the universe.
  • God created the universe to tell us about Himself.
  • God wants us to learn about His creation.
  • God wants us to have dominion over creation--that does not mean controlling but working with creation for our betterment and the creation. 
That little fellow who was observing the bug will likely tell on himself when he comes to supper full of questions about the things he observed. Mom, Dad, or siblings don't have to give him the answers. All that is needed is to point him in the right direction to find those answers with age-appropriate texts, (fiction and/or non-fiction), technology, a visit to a nature center, etc. In the meantime, what will he do? He'll likely collect that bug and draw a picture of it. When he reads about it he may use the text as a mentor text to write about his find. He may measure the length of his captor, count its legs, and observe its wings. He may figure out what it eats. All the while making notes so he can remember this especially cool bug. 

Has he learned anything important? Sure! Check out the standards for education in your state. SC standards can be found here: Check any grade level, including high school biology, and you will find he has met many of the standards with just this one bug. Check the English, Math, and Writing Standards as well. Maybe the bug has even played a role in history by immigrating to your area from some other part of the world during a particular event. He has integrated learning in all subjects with just one little bug. He has learned things he will never forget, including the memories he made with his parents, siblings, and friends. He won't dump this info as soon as the test is over. Oh, what test? 

If you included the Creation story in your discussions, you have implanted the Word of God in his knowledge, or perhaps the bug is a locust and there are also other Bible stories to go along with his studies.  Education is just outside your window or perhaps in your kitchen or garage or tool shed and it's never boring if we allow God's creation to lead the way. 

Heavenly Father, help us let Your Creation lead the way in teaching our children even the most complicated subjects because You are the ultimate Teacher. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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