Monday, June 24, 2019

Gone Fishing

 We spent the last week at a campground in Florida and at St Andrews State Park. Our campground provided lots of opportunities for freshwater fishing, boats, docks, boardwalks. The ocean was rough with two red flags for days, so people fished, from the rocks, from boats, and along the coast. Salt water, fresh water, on a dock or in a boat or on the rocks, everyone cast their lines and hoped for a fish.

 Worms, minnows, spinners, cut bait, each person had their own bait for their specialized fishing. One little girl of about seven caught a bream from the dock on Lake Holley. She jumped up and down thrilled and amazed but she wasn't touching it. They barely got her to hold the line for a picture, but she sure was proud.

 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19

Have you ever considered how Jesus used fisherman and fishing to demonstrate how to win souls? Many of his disciples were fishermen by trade. Once when the disciples told a group to stop doing miracles in Jesus name, Jesus scolded his disciples telling them to let them alone. If they aren't against us they are for us. (Mark 9:38-40).

Would we tell the little girl she was fishing all wrong just because she wouldn't hold the fish? Absolutely not! Would we tell someone to stop fishing because they didn't use our kind of bait or fish in our kind of spot or water? Absolutely not!

Fishing for Jesus is a lot like fishing for fish. We want to attract people to Jesus. Does that mean we put on a long face and sing chants of the middle ages? That won't impress most people. Most people - that's an interesting concept. Who are most people? People are a lot like fish. They are found in different places, with different tastes and interest. They dress differently, understand language differently and prefer different types of music. There are no most people.

So how are we to win the world if there is no set way? Love, love conquers all. Ever heard of that? Kindness. Gentleness. Meekness. Joy. Let them see your Joy in Christ and discover all the other qualities that Christ gives us in salvation. That's our bait. Joy! If we quarrel among ourselves we don't demonstrate love. We can't use our joy to win others. There is no joy in quarreling over music, versions or whether jeans are appropriate dress for church. May we remind ourselves Timothy says modest apparel is the appropriate dress. Sounds right to me.

Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Where will you go fishing for men? What are you taking for bait? Don't forget you have to cast the line to catch the fish, no holding back. The "fish" are waiting to see what we have to offer.

Hey Kids:

Do you remember a song about Peter, James and John in a sailboat?
They fished all night and caught no fish.
When Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat they didn't give up.
When they obeyed their nets were full and breaking.

Have you tried your best to witness to a friend but your friend casts you off?
Don't give up. Let Jesus tell you how to fish for your friend and give it another try.
I'll be praying for you.

Gone fishing,

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