Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rabbits, Foxes, and the Little Things

Isn't he precious? He's so cute! I named him Peter, BECAUSE :

 He destroyed  my tomatoes!

He decimated my cucumbers!

  And last night I caught him in the bush beans!! 

He is not precious. I have guarded my garden with high narrow fencing thinking to keep out the deer
and the groundhogs and the rabbits! Ahh! but it's the little rabbits that spoil the garden. How is he getting in? I slowly walked upon him to see if I could find his secret passage. There was no secret. He just melted into the fence and came out on the other side. The scoundrel!!

My garden is a lot like our families. We put up guards around them. We teach them. We preach to them. We pray God's watch care over them, protecting them. We try to be careful what they watch, what they read, what they hear, who their friends are, even where they are educated. But the little things that creep into our lives are like my rabbit or as King Solomon says like little foxes that spoil the vines. 

Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15 NKJV

Isn't it the little things that creep into our lives that cause destruction in our homes, our marriages, our children, and our very lives? 
Why do our addictions seem so harmless, so relaxing, so cute? 
We don't even have to make a list. They're running through our heads right now. 
The things that steal our time, our joy, our health, and even the very food from our children's mouths. 
Could it be we allow the little foxes to destroy our lives?

Hey Kids:

We laughed when my Grandma told us she would sneak her old aunt's clay pipe off the hearth and take a few puffs. It wouldn't have been funny if Grandma had continued to smoke causing bad health for her and the rest of her family. 

What little things are sneaking into your life?
  • Have you noticed a difference in how would you are when you overindulge in sweets? For our kids, it's the blue food coloring that causes them to become unhinged.
  • Do you try to act grown up by using bad language when you think no parents are listening? It will slip out at the wrong time.
  • Have you happened upon a website that is "interesting" and you keep going back? Remove it from your favorites and don't go back. 
Remember that little song you learned? 
Oh, be careful little feet where you go, little eyes what you see, little ears what you hear....

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